What is the greater good? What does it mean? Does it even exist? What do slogans like ‘we are all in this together’ have to do with it?
When we hear things like ‘We’re all in this together’, the flowery language causes us to think that this is a wonderful thing, and if we’re not a part of it, there may be something wrong with us.
It is used by governments to advance their social program.
Drawing from the brilliant essay by Barry Brownstein, "Are We Near the End of the Road to Serfdom - Part One", inspired by Hayek's famous book, I examine the notion of the greater good, in this ten minute video.
“Hayek explains, “The various kinds of collectivism, communism, fascism, etc., differ among themselves in the nature of the goal toward which they want to direct the efforts of society.” Yet here is where all these systems are the same. “They all differ from liberalism and individualism in wanting to organize the whole of society and all its resources for this unitary end and in refusing to recognize autonomous spheres in which the ends of the individuals are supreme.” The delusion of collectivists is that their coercive plans will benefit all. Hayek observes that even well-meaning people ask, “If it be necessary to achieve important ends,” why shouldn’t the system “be run by decent people for the good of the community as a whole?”
Barry’s work is extremely inspirational, and we just filmed a second conversation, which I hope you will find as enlightening as I did. If you missed the first, check it out here:
A version of it has been posted on my own channel & podcast as well.
Kate, Your latest brings us to a full-stop and helps us those who are willing reflect on long-held mindsets.
I enjoyed our second conversation as much or more than the first. Thank you for the richness in ideas that you help to bring out!