Very well written and quoted Kate. I recently came across an interview with Lord Monckton’s in which he speaks unabashedly of climate communists. Ever since hearing that simple yet powerfully accurate description, I have taken to referring to the entire Church of Carbon priesthood and its zealous laity as climate communists, which, I think, captures the essence of this movement perfectly. If we - who at least understand the term “trade-off” and are fundamentally sceptical of any Science that has billions of taxpayer dollars lobbed at it every year (and needs a definite article attached to it) - can agree to name them as such every time we write or talk about them, maybe we can get the moniker to stick. As The Donald showed the world, monikers stick if you use them often enough. Ask Crooked Hillary.

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The narrative of man-made climate change simply is a trojan horse for socialism / communism. It is as simple as that. End of story.

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thank you for writing this Kate - the tyranny of "we". The disappearance of "I". Through the covid hysteria a common theme was "for the greater good" which as you (or someone else) said this phrase got perverted. "For the greater good" is about the supremacy of the individual but it got twisted into each of us had to bend the knee to the imagined "we" of all of society.

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Ben Franklin's famous quote of giving up a little liberty to gain safety (and deserving neither) came to mind. In Franklin's time, the primary need was safety but all of these wonderful, energy-based achievements of today have allowed man to move up Maslow's hierarchy. We've moved up a rung to belonging and love as the primary need. Today, man trades liberty for love, desperately grasping to fill that God-shaped hole in the Church of Carbon (thank you Steven W. for that phrase).

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Solid read for sure. They are resolute in their desire for control.

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A wonderful article. I am thankful to Mr Wilkinson who referenced this and will certainly be following going forward.

Ultimately, the most disheartening aspect is that the climate communists (truly an excellently descriptive term) have reached down into the earliest levels of education to indoctrinate children with these ideas. Free thought is anathema to the elite at this time for fear somebody other than themselves will be able to demonstrate the folly of the current direction and convert the sheep. we need a new Jesus, someone who inspires towards freedom and thought and away from the current direction. (and this from a Jew)

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Every time I see the word collective, or hear it uttered, I think of Anthem. It was required reading in my sophomore HS English class many, many years ago. Sadly, it was only required in some classes, not all. Based on comments I see now on social media, I think my school mates would have benefited from reading it. Maybe they’d see the direction we are currently headed.

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very different from the required reading of today, isn't it? Thanks for your comment!

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