Time also to re-read Viktor Frankl, the bottom line is: you may think you own my body, but you can't own my soul. It is that FACT exaxtly which is the foundation for the repetition compulsion of the butchers in the concentration camps --- you can kill bodies all day long, but it is never enough for the spirit survives and the sense of guilt is ever mounting and only grows by more killing.

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It's clear smaller Government needs less tax.

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some inspiration maybe? From: Jedvaita

These days, it seems like every Sri Tom, Guru Dick and Saint Mary promote their own special-blend spirituality. I’m very pragmatic in that sense; I don’t go in for a lot of spiritual malarkey. To me, there’s truth-realization and there’s resuming your derailed human development; Enlightenment and Human Adulthood respectively. Anything else is just about being content in the sleep state.

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