"I have some Argentinian friends that despise him"
Most Grown Ups Still Believe in Santa - Case in point
Viewer's comment on our latest video on Milei, and our response:
"I have some Argentinian friends that despise him as he is pretty much (according to them) not fixing but destroying the country even more that it is with its massive reforms. They are not the only ones. Yet the majority of the world seem to praise him"
I've seen a few comments like this on my latest video about Milei's devastating take down of Klaus Schwab at the Davos annual Neo-Marxist pilgrimage.
I think this kind of comment gets to the heart of the problem. Many don't understand that collectivist agendas need the support of a critical mass to move forward. Even though all collectivist schemes end up failing badly and hurting EVERYBODY, many people directly benefit from it, for a time. Collectivist leaders can't impose their will in a vacuum; they need enablers, useful idiots and flying monkeys to prop them up, legitimize their actions, and help them stay in power.
Collectivist leaders and their enablers are in a symbiotic relationship. They need each other. For example, many people from countries of the former Soviet Union still, to this day, miss the communist regime and would bring it back in a heart beat if they could. These people were never able to take pride and responsibility for their own life.
Similarly, countless people go to "work"Â everyday in various government agencies to perform useless & counter-productive tasks. Many of these people have non-jobs and are not producing anything of tangible value to society. These people genuinely think they do stuff for the common good on a daily basis. But all they do is making the lives of productive individuals (those who pay their salaries through taxes & inflation) harder & costlier everyday. These people benefit tremendously from the bureaucratic nanny state.
Others are recipients of handouts, subsidies, and welfare programs, also funded by the productive individuals.
The 'Argentine friends' that the commenter is referring to, are exactly whom caused the very issues that Milei is fixing by reducing the size of government and cleaning shop. His chainsaw reforms will take time to come to fruition. Much in the same way that the current economic stagnation and inflation results from decades of governmental meddling and money printing.
There is always a lag effect.
When people who are currently parasitic actors, like diversity officers or tax collectors for example, are forced to become productive members of society, when they go from taking from their fellow man to giving value to society, just imagine the prosperity that will inevitably emerge.
Breaking free from a century of socialism won't be painless, but it will benefit everybody.
I wrote this essay, Most Grown Ups Still Believe in Santa, on this specific topic recently.Â
"Collectivist mass movements like Marxism, National-Socialism, Communism, Wokeism, and Islamism necessitate the consent and participation of a critical mass. For example, big government guys like Trump could never have initiated lockdowns, printed trillions of dollars that created years of high inflation and economic malaise, and launched the greatest and most reckless mass medical experiment in human history, if he didn’t have a critical mass begging for this insanity. But he, and the administrative state behind him, got away with it because enough people joined the hysteria. They wanted the lockdowns, the candy of stimulus packages— to sit and work from home, or to take incommensurate ‘long covid’ sick days—, but they don’t connect the dots with the resulting inflation, and persistent erosion of freedom."
I’m enjoying the direction of your work as of late. Very few people actually see what is happening.
Watch the efforts to destroy Argentina's
economy from the outside. It will be a good lesson on who is the enemy and what they will attempt.