The same was thought about Mandela who was a hero.... and he was knighted by the Queen of England, the head of the freemasons snake. His ANC party continuous with is Marxist communist destructive dream in South Africa. Case in point. Just saying.
"many people from countries of the former Soviet Union still, to this day, miss the communist regime and would bring it back in a heart beat if they could. These people were never able to take pride and responsibility for their own life."
I’m enjoying the direction of your work as of late. Very few people actually see what is happening.
Watch the efforts to destroy Argentina's
economy from the outside. It will be a good lesson on who is the enemy and what they will attempt.
The same was thought about Mandela who was a hero.... and he was knighted by the Queen of England, the head of the freemasons snake. His ANC party continuous with is Marxist communist destructive dream in South Africa. Case in point. Just saying.
"many people from countries of the former Soviet Union still, to this day, miss the communist regime and would bring it back in a heart beat if they could. These people were never able to take pride and responsibility for their own life."
Spot on
The man is a superstar. Let's hope that the unions and other evildoers don't derail his reforms.
Exposing the rotting evil in all corners of the world Kate! Love it!