
Yes!!! This is it, one hundred percent. Thank you Nathalie. @Nathalie Martinek PhD

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She sounds like your typical mean girl bully who knows how to morph views and personality to get cozy with the latest powers. She’ll switch again soon. She uses left wing tactics to make herself the victim as a conservative and many conservatives can’t see it because they agree with her. Most people groomed by narcissist in their life are blinded to the narcissistic displays of their favoured public figures. Love your analysis Kate!

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Candace is a critical thinker keeping emotional bias out of her commentary in my opinion while her critics in this instance, Rabbi Barclay and Ben Shapiro while decent debaters have fallen into the trap of emotional thinking. They insist Candace said "Hitler was OK" when the tape makes it clear she did not say that. She used Hitler and OK in laying out a context for nationalism and it seems clear that Barclay only heard "Hitler" and "OK", merged them and went ballistic. Shapiro has his own issues emotionally and will not accept anything other than annihilation of Hamas and supporters with collateral damage unimportant. Candace is the winner. She maintained her critical base while the others have become a mindless-mob. There is an 1hr21min Youtube with Rabbi Barclay that shows the stark differences in their thinking, https://youtu.be/GJ9GQ-gexhQ

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She has absolutely been "canceled"; being fired from your job because people find our speech offensi e and brought public pressure against your employer is Exhibit A in what it means to be canceled. She isn't anti-Semitic, she doesn't hate Jews. When she says "they", she's not referring to "the Jews", she's referring to specific people who di the things of which she was speaking. It's absurd to bring up this app she thought of and never acted upon when she was barely out of high school.

She's not catering to her audience, you're strawmanning her and her allegedly "nihilistic" audience. Candace is extremely clear about what she's proposing, it's the same basic right-populist agenda that is more or less the set of beliefs held by the base of the Republican Party and other conservative parties around the West: family, faith and country. Tradition.

Nobody knows who Rabbi Schmuley? What? Is there are more prominent rabbi in America right now? And she's not focusing her attacks on Jews; some Jews are focusing their attacks on her, because she's a prominent voice, but not a pro-Israel voice, and post October 7, that's no longer acceptable in mainstream conservative media.

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Candace Owens is a narcissistic opportunist. I couldn’t stand her when she burst onto the scene, much to everybody’s disappointment, including my husband.

Shapiro gave her every opportunity to leave the Daily Wire or to stay on. She pulled the same stunt with Dennis Prager, who provided her with the platform to gain political clout she screwed over Charlie Kirk. She screwed over Trump and his family. She turned on Israel, after wowing everybody with her appearance at the Jerusalem Embassy dedication, gushing over the “ majestic “ experience. Now lying about bigotry and the “ Muslim Section”- that anybody who has visited Israel or is knowledgeable in the historical context knows is the Arab Quarter.

Her dramatic “ empathy” for Kenye, that he’s now “free”. Free of what? Free from what? He’s a billionaire who attended Montessori School, his mother was a Professor , he was married to Kim Kardashian, Trump stuck up for him, not knowing he’d been duped. Yeah, he and Candace are such “ victims”. Now it’s cool to be a Jew hater. Great job, Candace!

I’m not a fan of Shapiro’s, but he should have thrown her out on her ass. She’s toxic .

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After just watching Candace's 2 podcasts that you mentioned, I will have to disagree with you Kate. I was ready to agree with what you are saying in your video here, but thought I would go to the primary source first. I think people need to watch and listen to these Candace's podcasts (in full and not just read headlines or quotes taken out of context) before they form an opinion about her.

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I never saw the attraction to Candace, and still don’t. She exhibits mediocre intellect at best. She seems to blow which way the money goes. I’ll continue to ignore her.

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"She's doing this kind of behaviour"???

Candace speaks up when others won't and for that "kind of behaviour" she has my eyes and ears. Disappointed in you for this smear, Kate.

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If you take a look at what war propaganda is and its purpose. It's purpose is to dehumanize an entire race or group of people. Naturally people do not think that walking around and murdering other families because a murderer is on the loose is ok. War propaganda does this. Guilt by association is a lie and evil.

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What you are talking about equates to when the msm calls everyone racist that doesn't agree with them. Please take a look at the parallels for what you are saying.

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I am going to give you a completely fictitious senerio.

What if the United States got a new independent investigation done in to 9/11 and found out that the true attackers were members of the I.D.F.

Would that give the United States the right to level Israel off the map... or rather, should the United States seek out and punish those people who weer on charge of and actually were responsible for the attacks?

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I am going to give you a completely fictitious senerio.

What if the United States got a new independent investigation done in to 9/11 and found out that the true attackers were members of the I.D.F.

Would that give the United States the right to level Israel off the map... or rather, should the United States seek out and punish those people who weer on charge of and actually were responsible for the attacks?

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