thanks for "going there" today ... glad it isn't just me that's going what the entire f****

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Team Reality is still around

Just smaller than we thought

Which while saddening is not surprising

We readjust just like we did before, who do you trust there are still plenty of voices who were against covid policy and recognize Hamas is a evil terrorist organization

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The massacre, mutilation, burning and beheading of men, women, children, and the elderly seems to have been brushed aside

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Yeah, that part was rather inconvenient for the globalists' narrative.

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Thanks to you and Will for speaking out with an unequivocal clear moral voice.

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Great article. Thank you for writing it.

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It’s a bit ironic bring Girard into this, without acknowledging that his entire thesis is that a mimetic atrocity cycle requires two sides committing atrocities. We sacralize our own violence, which reciprocates and mirrors the violence we are victimized by.. Auschwitz justifies Dresden, Nanking justifies Hiroshima.. We imitate our enemy in his cruelty. His violence is traumatizing, ours is cathartic.

It’s no justification of Hamas to at least note in passing that their brutality is in response to a history of being brutalized. It might help to at least empathically acknowledge the suffering we inflict upon our enemies, before we nuke Moscow, Tehran, Gaza and this entire wretched planet is consumed by thermo nuclear flame.

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I read the Fenton piece and this; it's hard to form a coherent, useful response other than tangentially.

You mention Kristallnacht. You can find anecdotal accounts of Germans who physically resisted the violence of those three nights; and it is anecdotal precisely because there was so little resistance. I can recall finding in my reading 3 or 4 such accounts. And the unifying element was that in each case it was a middle aged German woman who was the force of resistance. A woman in a mid sized city physically stepping in front of a Jew being driven and beaten by the mob behind and yelling Stop! This has gone too far! and then herself escorting the bleeding Jew back to his home. And such was the residual respect in which she was held by the mob, that they were brought to their senses - she headed one way with the Jew and they dispersed.

But such were the times that her victory was extremely local and transitory. The dogs of war were released no later than 1933 and probably much earlier. And in our times, it is no longer a matter of a known and respected figure confronting her neighbors driven mad in the streets. A Stop! uttered by a familiar and commanding voice and heard in everyday surroundings is utterly different than a tweeted Stop! on a social media platform. Our times favor the mob and favor the madness.

The Freedom Movement's part in turning back the mandates is looking of a sudden entirely local and transitory as well - what? under 2% of Americans have been injected with "this year's" vaccine? And then October 7. It was either a massive windfall for those who ran the Covid operation or a follow on operation the malevolence of which may have no parallel in human history. I do not see any way out. The unfathomable is dead ahead.

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Each faction believes it is team reality as the Others are revealed in their 'sins'.

The news of war is shaped itself as weapon of war, & those who are mobilised by reaction sacrifice truth to idols.

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It’s just modern day antisemitism.

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"Those who won't unequivocally support XYZ, and will not denounce without any caveats ABC, enable the worst evil."

Now replace XYZ with "Vaccines" and ABC with "Anti-Vaxxers". You can also use any number of other mass-propaganda events, like "The Iraq War" or "George Floyd". The purpose is to destroy thought, limit nuance, and control action. You really shouldn't expect people in the Freedom Movement to respond well to such demands. Perhaps that's why "Team Reality" is shrinking...

People will think and believe differently than us. We're in the Freedom Movement because we want people to have that freedom.

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I recently read an article by Dennis Prager on the hate of Jews on Peckford42

An excellent article IMO.

It is well worth the read.https://peckford42.wordpress.com/2023/10/25/the-hamas-slaughter-confirmed-everything-i-have-believed/

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