I’m uncertain why you feel Israel should be justified in receiving a pass for murdering citizens in this trap while Þe United States, United Kingdom, France, Russia or any other nation would not receive Þe same consideration.
And you somehow believe killing civilians as human shields is not a violation of Geneva. 🇺🇸 would be required to send in special operators to end any threats, yet you give Israel a pass.
Your logic fits this way: Because some rebelled in Warsaw, Germany was within international law to murder them all.
They made me bomb civilians? I hope we're moving gradually into thinking that the 'sides' in these dreadful conflicts are the ordinary people in harm's way on one side, and the military/industrial/political beneficiaries of the conflicts on the other.
I’m uncertain why you feel Israel should be justified in receiving a pass for murdering citizens in this trap while Þe United States, United Kingdom, France, Russia or any other nation would not receive Þe same consideration.
israel are not targetting civilians. 500k civilians died in iraq. hamas are hiding behind civilians which violates geneva conventions.
And you somehow believe killing civilians as human shields is not a violation of Geneva. 🇺🇸 would be required to send in special operators to end any threats, yet you give Israel a pass.
Your logic fits this way: Because some rebelled in Warsaw, Germany was within international law to murder them all.
Jihad is a global menace, which is aided and abetted by left-wing enablers. Good article.
They made me bomb civilians? I hope we're moving gradually into thinking that the 'sides' in these dreadful conflicts are the ordinary people in harm's way on one side, and the military/industrial/political beneficiaries of the conflicts on the other.
israel are not targetting civilians. 500k civilians died in iraq. hamas are hiding behind civilians which violates geneva conventions.
I know, I didn't say they were. But I'm sure we can all agree that 'don't bomb civilians' is a good way forward.
Well, sadly I'm not sure of that at all but I hope it's something we can come to agree on.