Excellent. It's amazing how so many western leftists believe the Iranian regime can do no wrong and is a victim of western aggression

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A classic, true example of the reflexive Muslim Jew hatred: several decades ago, for unknown reasons, there was a flurry of shark attacks at Sharm-el-Sheik (sp??). The Egyptian press blamed the Jews, whom they claimed had trained the sharks to do this!

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What sort of concept is it that communists and tyrants, thugs and belligerent, and islamist, terrorists, get a seat at the table of world affairs such as the UN is? What was the point of the cold war, or any war for that matter, Korea, Vietnam, or any world alliance... I'm reacting to the first paragraph about commie Guiterrez.

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Very useful insight into the extreme ideologies which are gaining ground in parts of the Islamic world

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Well this is some scary shit.....😳😬JFC

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